
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.

Santa's Helpers...

Today, the volunteers will go to the shelter to spread some Christmas cheer to our four legged friends.  New toys for all!  We'll give them some love and kisses to go with their new toys, and hope it is enough to get them through Christmas alone.  Even though they may not have homes this Christmas, they have love.  Each of these dogs at the shelter holds a special place in our hearts.

Like Harry, one of the goofiest, sweetest boys around.  He is a young boy, part Greyhound, part Shepherd, equal parts of love.  He is a happy go lucky boy, who will bring an instant smile to the faces of all those who meet him.  Don't worry Harry, we have just the toy for you. ;)

And Ollie...this boy may have seen a lot in his time, but he is still young at heart.  Ollie is gentle and loving, and just wants to make you happy.  We have just the thing for you Ollie.

And cute little Lilly.  Whose face just begs to be kissed.  We all love you, and have a special toy for you too.

Darling Raisin...we would never forget you!  You have captured all of our hearts, with your loving demeanor.  One of the best girls at the shelter.  One day soon, we hope, you will have your own family to love, but for now, you have us.  And we love you lots!

Miss Asia, with your brown and blue eyes so pretty.  You've captured our hearts too.  We could never forget you this Christmas!  We have just the thing for you too!

You see, even though these dogs may not have homes this Christmas to call their own, they have a home in each of our hearts.  They make us laugh, give us love and so much more...Santa knows where you are, and will be there soon!

Cora's Rescue...

All of us have the power to do something good for an animal this holiday season.  Whether it be adopting a pet from a local shelter, donating money, food or blankets, volunteering or rescuing a lost soul.  Animals depend on us, and we can't fail them.

Excerpts From a Cat's Diary...

Day 983 of my captivity.

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.

They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a ‘good little hunter’ I am. Bastards.

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of ‘allergies.’ I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage..

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow — but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released – and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now………

This was too funny not to share.  Thank you Maryann for finding it!

A Shelter Dog's Christmas Wish...

Tis the night before Christmas and all through the town, The shelter is full - we are lost, but not found.

Our names are hung on our kennels so bare, we hope every minute that someone will care. They'll come to adopt us and give us the call, "Come here, Max and Sparkie - come fetch your new ball!!

But for now we sit here and think of the days, we were treated so fondly - we had cute, baby ways. Once we were little, then we grew and we grew, now we're no longer young and we're no longer new.

So out the back door we were thrown like the trash, they reacted so quickly - why were they so rash? We "jump on the children, don't come when they call", we "bark when they leave us", or "climb over the wall". We should have been neutered, we should have been spayed, now we suffer the consequence mistakes that THEY made.

If only they'd trained us, if only we knew... we'd have done what they asked us and worshipped them, too.

We were left in the backyard, or worse -let to roam- now we're tired and lonely and out of a home. They dropped us off here and they kissed us good-bye... They said "Maybe someone else will give you a try." So now here we are, all confused and alone... in a shelter with others who long for a home.

The kind workers come through with a meal and a pat, but with so many to care for, they can't stay long to chat, They move to the next kennel, giving each of us cheer...we know that they wonder how long we'll be here. We lay down to sleep and sweet dreams fill our heads, of a home filled with love and our own cozy beds. Then we wake to see sad eyes, brimming with tears, our friends filled with emptiness, worry, and fear.

If you can't adopt us and there's no room at the Inn - could you help with the bills and fill our food bin? We count on your kindness each day of the year, can you give more than hope to everyone here? The shelter that cares for us wants us to live, and more of us will, if more people will give.

-author unknown

Pitbulls and Priests...

I am going to delve into something controversial here, so I will apologize ahead of time.  You will appreciate my analogy as I go along.

Being a pitbull owner and lover, I have heard it all.  Every myth of the breed, their jaws lock, they're bad with other dogs, kids, etc., they are hard to train.  Basically, they are no good, mean dogs who eat people.  Now look at the photo below...

Doesn't that dog look like it's going to eat me?!  That's my pitbull, Cleo.  Man, isn't she cute sleeping with her tongue hanging out?!  I adopted her 2 years ago from the Islip Animal Shelter, and she has been the love of my life since.  She is gentle, sweet and an all around great girl.  She is amazing with my kids, you should see what they do to her. ;)  She is great with my other dog and cat.  She is well mannered and trained.  She is my snuggle partner at night when I lay in my bed and watch tv.  She is my daughter's soccer partner when she is playing in the backyard.  She is super friendly and may hand you my tv if you wanted it.  She sleeps every night with my oldest, and cuddles with her bestie Coco, my black lab mix.  She plays with my 14 year old cat, who knew, a pitbull that doesn't eat cats and kids!  Boy, did I get a rare one.  In actuality, my pitbull is typical of what most pitbulls are like.  They are not the vicious mean dogs the media makes them out to be.  Heck, they aren't even in the top 5 on the bite list of people.  

The problem is the media jumps on any story of a pitbull attack they can find.  They don't publicize other dog breed attacks.  I myself have been bitten, pretty darn bad at that.  I have permanent damage to the left arm.  Looks like I was shot.  And gasp.....it wasn't a pitbull.  It was a german shepherd.  One would think I may be prejudice towards all shepherds now, but in truth, I am not.  It was an isolated incidence.  It can happen.  But I don't blame the breed in general for my injury.  This was one dog, in one particular situation.  In fact, I don't even blame the dog.  He got scared.  It shouldn't have happened, but he has never bitten again.  

Now, where do I get my priest analogy?  Well, I will tell you.  In recent years, there have been many a priest charged and found guilty of molesting children.  (I told you, this was going to get controversial, but bear with me.  There is a valid point.)  Do you and everyone you know, think all priests are child molesters?  Do you let the few publicized media events, make up your mind and create a prejudice towards all men in colored robs with crosses around their necks?  

Do you cringe at church on Sunday, and put a protective arm around your children?  Do you tell people to stay away from them or they may be next?  No, that would be insane!  So why, please, please, please, tell me, why do people blame all pitbulls for what a few have done?  Really, when you think about it, it's the same thing.  Those dogs were more than likely not in a good situation, not with a good family caring for them.  No, they were being used by horrible people, to protect their drug dealing homes, or for profit in fighting rings.  Do you really think dogs want to pitted against each other and fight to the death?  I think not.   

I hope, I have made you think a bit about this topic.  I, myself, have never been bit by a pitbull, only attacked with kisses.  I socialize with many pitbulls at the shelter, who have never met me before.  Some, have been in not great situations, as you can see by their scars, and even THEY, still give me love for the 20-30 minutes I spend with them a day.  

Please don't DISCRIMINATE, EDUCATE!  Your next best friend is waiting for you.  

Cider's Adventure...

Green grass, fast moving squirrels, squeaky noises, yummy smells, laughing children and plenty of telephone poles!  I sure do love this adventure!  My adventure out of the shelter that is.  I spent over a year at the Town of Islip Animal Shelter.  I would spend my days dreaming of all the wonderful times I would have once I found my forever home.  I am halfway there, as I have found a foster home, which has promised to love and nurture me until my forever family comes along.

Now, I don't like to brag but...I am house trained, crate trained and am quite the charmer.  No pee's, no poo's and no chews!  I told you I was good!  I love to cuddle and being brushed is my favorite pastime.  Children are my favorite, but I sure do love "big people" too!  Long walks every day make me so happy!  I am rediscovering the world around me, and it is sure is fun!

I was introduced to running next to a bicycle, and boy, was I a natural!  The only adventure left is my search for an adventurous family to call my own.

Aren't I super cute baking with my foster mommy!

To give the super sweet and loving Cider the adventure of his life, contact us at www.shelterlink.com.  Nothing would make him happier than a family to call his own for Christmas!