
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.

I Don't Know How You Do It...

I often hear these words spoken when I tell people I volunteer at the Islip Animal Shelter and foster dogs.  If I had a $1 for every time I heard someone say that, I would be rich.  It is just sad.  It is very easy for people to live blissfully unaware of the trials and tribulations of the dogs here in our community and beyond, but I choose not to be blissfully unaware.  I am painfully aware of the tragedies that occur, and the many homeless animals and their sad stories, as are the other members of Shelter Link and the staff at animal shelters across the country.  I have seen horrific images of animals beaten and battered, starved, scarred and worse.  I often wonder what kind of world we live in, that these acts so freely occur with little to no repercussions.  For example, take a look at the darling Hope, who is at the Islip Animal Shelter.

This darling, beautiful girl, not only sports an atrocious crop job to her ears, which I am sure was not professionally done and was very painful for her, but she also bears many scars, perhaps the result of people trying to profit from fighting her.  DISGUSTING.  Yet, her kind spirit and love of humans remains, despite their heinous acts towards her.  Truly, these dogs ability to forgive our race amazes me daily. 

So you say I don't know how you do it.  This is how I do it.  I go to the shelter and give love to dogs that may never have known any.  I throw them a ball.  I teach them how to sit and stay.  I give them treats.  I welcome dogs into my home that have no other chance, and give them hope, and find them a  family who will give them everything they deserve and more.  I get emotional, sad at times, but joyous most others.  I choose not to turn a blind eye to the outrageous epidemic of homeless animals and cruelty towards them.  And I get so much more in return.  That's how I do it.  

So ask yourself this, how do you not do it?

Friday's Friends...Sammy

Today's Friday's Friends will be a little different, as I will be featuring one of our foster dogs, Sammy.  Sammy is an absolutely adorable, sweet Lhasa Apso/ Shih Tzu Mix.  Sammy has been in our care now since September.  He came out of the shelter a bit of a mess, ear infections with multiple bacteria, eye problems and a terrible skin condition which left him missing a lot of his fur.

He certainly was a little worse for the ware.  But those days are long behind him!  He has been staying with Maryann, one of our volunteers, and she along with Jack and Rita, has nursed Sammy back to health!  His fur is growing back beautifully, and his ears are all cleared up.  Take a look at Sammy now.

What a difference, right?!  It's like it isn't even the same dog.  We found out that Sammy has a wheat allergy, which isn't uncommon, that made his skin terribly itchy and his fur fall out.  Now that he is eating wheat free, his coat looks great!  He's even had a few haircuts!  We also found out that Sammy has dry eye, which is very common in this breed, and does need to take eye drops daily.  Trust me, he is worth the extra effort.

Sammy is such a sweet, balanced dog.  He's just plain happy all the time, and is a joy to be around.  He has no behavior issues period.  He loves to take walks, play with his toys, be with people, and will make you smile all the time.  He is great with kids and other dogs, and may even set an example for your current dog as how to behave, he's that good.  We have taken very good care of him, and nursed him back to health, and now he just needs to find his forever home.  Sammy will enhance your life for the better.  Read more about him here.  He would love to be home for Christmas!  I am pretty sure that's what he told Santa he wants this year. ;)

I am happy to report Skye is at her forever home, and I will be checking in on her this weekend.  It was so hard for me to let her go, I shed a lot of tears.  But she has found a great family, who will love and cherish her as much as I did.  Skye is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met, just so loving, and I don't know who is luckier, her new parents or her.  After a lot of thought, I will foster again, because the alternative just isn't acceptable, no matter how emotional it is to turn the leash over to the new family.

Just a reminder that today is the fundraiser at Michele Leschik's home with Nook & Cranny, and tomorrow is the 1st Annual Jingle Bell Walk at the Maritime Museum.  Hopefully you can make it to one of these events, and help support us.  I will have some big news for you next week, so stay tuned...

Have a great Friday!

Upcoming Events...

There are some great events coming up that will benefit Shelter Link.  First up is The 1st Annual Jingle Bell Walk at the Long Island Maritime Museum in Sayville this Saturday at 9am.  This is sure to be lots of fun for the whole family!  Register now online here.  Half of the registration fees collected go to Shelter Link!  We can't thank them enough for their support!  Santa will even be arriving by boat!  You can bring your furry friends with you as well.

Next up is a shopping fundraiser at Michele Leschik's home on Friday, December 10th.  Her home is located on 7 Woodland Street in East Islip  Get some great holiday gifts presented by the fabulous Nook & Cranny.  A portion of the proceeds benefits Shelter Link.

Foster Update...

First, I will tell you about Peanut.  Peanut is doing amazing!  She has some of the best people around caring for her, and doting on her.  Peanut tested positive for heart worm, and she received treatment last week.  The treatment can cause some rough symptoms, but Peanut was a trooper and faired very well.  She is pretty much back to her usual self.  She has bonded with everyone at her foster home, even her canine companion Max.  She is such a great girl, and I am so happy she is there with my great friends.  Take a look at how she's doing.

Peanut with her favorite man, I am pretty sure she is his favorite too!

Giving her little brother a nice kiss!

Hanging out with her buddy Max, getting some sun.

As you can see, Peanut is loving life, and is finally where she deserves to be.  Her foster family loves her very much!  Their little guy Dillon said to his mom the other day, I think we should buy Peanut.  This way we can keep her.  So just pay like $100.  This just cracked me up!  Obviously he thinks Peanut should go no further, she has found her home.  We'll see....

My Skye baby is doing great, and has found a forever home!  It is going to be so hard for us to let her go, but it is what we intended to do, so we could foster again.  Turns out the people that contacted us about Skye, are parents of my husband's friend from High School, talk about a small world!  They came to meet Skye on Saturday, and were instantly in love.  She has found a great home with them, plus they live around the block from my in-laws, so we can go visit her.  The girls are very sad, but I think they understand.  Skye should be going home this week!  I'll take pictures.  We are going to miss her a lot.  I will always love her and cherish my time with her, she is a great dog.

Krinlgle is now in Shelter Link's care as well!  He is staying with Connie, one of our volunteers.  He is adjusting very well to life outside of the shelter, and is so lucky to have Connie.  Kringle has spent his entire life at the shelter, he came in as a pup last November.  He's a beautiful boy, and is so deserving of a home.  Thank you Connie for taking him into your home.  More on Kringle at a later date.

So as you can see, success all around with our foster program!  Maybe you would like to join us and become a foster.  It will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life!  I can tell you first hand, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  It was worth every minute of my time saving Skye, and finding her a forever home.  I look forward to doing it again.

Thanks for reading, have a great Monday!

Friday's Friends...

Last week, I totally forgot to post Friday's Friend with all the after Thanksgiving stuff.   So I will add a few extra this week.  All of our animals at the Islip Animal Shelter would love to be home for the holidays!

Look at Muggs!  He is one of the sweetest guys around!  Just look at that face!  Muggs is a Boxer Am Staff Mix, and is so gentle.  He loves people, and would make a great addition to any family!  How can you deny that darling overbite?  Come meet him, and see what a great dog he is!  See more about Muggs here.

Oh, Gypsy, such a ham!  Gypsy is a super sweet Terrier Mix.  She is playful and loves people!  She is known to drop to her back at any moment to get a belly rub.  She is just a joy, and would love a family to love!  See more about Gypsy here.

Or what about Othello?  Othello is a beautiful Border Collie Akita Mix.  Just look at that gorgeous coat!  He is truly stunning.  He loves to chase balls, and play.  He is an all around great guy, who would love to find his forever home.  See more about Othello here.

Meet Oscar!  He is an American Bulldog Am Staff Mix.  Oscar hasn't always had an easy life, as you can see by his scars, but he  still loves people.  He is playful and sweet, and deserves a good home.  Won't you come and meet him?  See more about Oscar here.

Or maybe you are looking for a feline friend, check out Miss Abby, a beautiful Calico kitty.  She is blind in one eye, but that doesn't slow her down.  Abby is very friendly, and enjoys being held.  She would make a great addition to any family.  See more about Abby here.

All of these animals would love to be home for the holidays enjoying their new families.  We have so many beautiful dogs and cats at the shelter, that you needn't look any further.  Our adoption fees are minimal in comparison to purchasing an animal, plus you are saving a life!  If you are looking to add a furry addition to your family, the Islip Animal Shelter is the place to go.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Friday!

The Holidays Are Upon Us...

Saturday was the annual Sayville Holiday Parade.  It was a cold morning, but sill we had a good time.  Deb, one of our volunteers, made us a great banner.  Skye, Sammy and Deb's four dogs marched right alongside us.  My daughters had a great time and were so proud to be in the parade and walk a dog, well actually, Ava my youngest, pushed a dog. ;)

The beautiful banner Deb handmade...

 See what I mean?  Ava loved pushing Deb's little dog in the stroller, totally made her day!  (That's me in the gray coat next to her, in case you were wondering.;))  The crowd went nuts over it!

Our two certified dog trainers, Jack and Rita, and yup, that is Skye with Jack, and another of Deb's pack with Rita!

My oldest daughter, Emma, walking another of Deb's sweet dogs.  Walking a dog is very empowering for a child.  Em was very proud of herself, it was all over her face.  Ahhhh....my future dog rescuers.

That's Maryann and Sammy looking all festive!  The kids in the crowd loved Sammy and had to pet him.

Come see us this weekend at the Islip Santa Parade at 2pm on Main Street!  Skye won't be there this time, as she is having surgery today to correct the entropion that has grown back, but Sammy will be, and I am pretty sure some of our other furry friends!

Speaking of, we have a new friend in foster care, Kringle!  Yeah, we are so happy for him!  Kringle is available for adoption, and will be up on our site soon.

And it looks like Skye may have found her forever home.  I'll keep you posted.

Have a great Wednesday!