
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.

Foster Update...

First, I will tell you about Peanut.  Peanut is doing amazing!  She has some of the best people around caring for her, and doting on her.  Peanut tested positive for heart worm, and she received treatment last week.  The treatment can cause some rough symptoms, but Peanut was a trooper and faired very well.  She is pretty much back to her usual self.  She has bonded with everyone at her foster home, even her canine companion Max.  She is such a great girl, and I am so happy she is there with my great friends.  Take a look at how she's doing.

Peanut with her favorite man, I am pretty sure she is his favorite too!

Giving her little brother a nice kiss!

Hanging out with her buddy Max, getting some sun.

As you can see, Peanut is loving life, and is finally where she deserves to be.  Her foster family loves her very much!  Their little guy Dillon said to his mom the other day, I think we should buy Peanut.  This way we can keep her.  So just pay like $100.  This just cracked me up!  Obviously he thinks Peanut should go no further, she has found her home.  We'll see....

My Skye baby is doing great, and has found a forever home!  It is going to be so hard for us to let her go, but it is what we intended to do, so we could foster again.  Turns out the people that contacted us about Skye, are parents of my husband's friend from High School, talk about a small world!  They came to meet Skye on Saturday, and were instantly in love.  She has found a great home with them, plus they live around the block from my in-laws, so we can go visit her.  The girls are very sad, but I think they understand.  Skye should be going home this week!  I'll take pictures.  We are going to miss her a lot.  I will always love her and cherish my time with her, she is a great dog.

Krinlgle is now in Shelter Link's care as well!  He is staying with Connie, one of our volunteers.  He is adjusting very well to life outside of the shelter, and is so lucky to have Connie.  Kringle has spent his entire life at the shelter, he came in as a pup last November.  He's a beautiful boy, and is so deserving of a home.  Thank you Connie for taking him into your home.  More on Kringle at a later date.

So as you can see, success all around with our foster program!  Maybe you would like to join us and become a foster.  It will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life!  I can tell you first hand, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  It was worth every minute of my time saving Skye, and finding her a forever home.  I look forward to doing it again.

Thanks for reading, have a great Monday!

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