
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.

I Don't Know How You Do It...

I often hear these words spoken when I tell people I volunteer at the Islip Animal Shelter and foster dogs.  If I had a $1 for every time I heard someone say that, I would be rich.  It is just sad.  It is very easy for people to live blissfully unaware of the trials and tribulations of the dogs here in our community and beyond, but I choose not to be blissfully unaware.  I am painfully aware of the tragedies that occur, and the many homeless animals and their sad stories, as are the other members of Shelter Link and the staff at animal shelters across the country.  I have seen horrific images of animals beaten and battered, starved, scarred and worse.  I often wonder what kind of world we live in, that these acts so freely occur with little to no repercussions.  For example, take a look at the darling Hope, who is at the Islip Animal Shelter.

This darling, beautiful girl, not only sports an atrocious crop job to her ears, which I am sure was not professionally done and was very painful for her, but she also bears many scars, perhaps the result of people trying to profit from fighting her.  DISGUSTING.  Yet, her kind spirit and love of humans remains, despite their heinous acts towards her.  Truly, these dogs ability to forgive our race amazes me daily. 

So you say I don't know how you do it.  This is how I do it.  I go to the shelter and give love to dogs that may never have known any.  I throw them a ball.  I teach them how to sit and stay.  I give them treats.  I welcome dogs into my home that have no other chance, and give them hope, and find them a  family who will give them everything they deserve and more.  I get emotional, sad at times, but joyous most others.  I choose not to turn a blind eye to the outrageous epidemic of homeless animals and cruelty towards them.  And I get so much more in return.  That's how I do it.  

So ask yourself this, how do you not do it?

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