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The Truth About Pitbulls...

Most people hear the word Pitbull, and immediately have a negative reaction, due to all the negative media attention the breed receives.  Sadly, the majority of dogs in Islip's Shelter or any shelter across the country are Pitbull or Pitbull Mixes.  Ask yourself why are so many Pitbulls in shelters.  Is it because they are the mean terrifying dogs everyone makes them out to be?  Or maybe, just maybe, is it because they may be one of the most neglected dog breeds.

The case of Michael Vick brought to the forefront of America's eyes, how terribly mistreated Pitbulls are and the horrific acts people were committing.  And that is just one case, out of thousands.  Now, thankfully, we have shows on televison that advocate for Pitbulls, like The Pit Boss and Pitbulls and Paroles, great shows, btw.  Finally, some much needed positive attention.

Did you know Petey from the Little Rascals was a Pitbull?  He was, and so stinkin cute, if I do say so myself.

I fell in love with the breed a few years ago, and if you ask my 7 year old daughter what her favorite dog breed is, she'll tell you A Pimple, Pitbull.  Granted she has two parents who love the breed and has a Pimple of her own, so maybe we swayed her a bit, lol.  They are loving, sweet gentle dogs, and despite what you may think, amazing with children!  Did you know they scored higher than the average score on temperament tests conducted by the American Temperament Test Society?  It's true, they did.  Here are six reasons why Pitbulls make great pets.

1. Pit Bulls are Affectionate Companions

Pitbulls are wiggly, cuddly, affectionate dogs. If you don’t like dog kisses then consider another breed, because most pitbulls love licking. The same goes if you have children and you don’t want them to be a regular target for face washes.

Pitbulls are not aloof – they like to remind you regularly of how they feel about you, and in general this means a lot of tail wagging and kissing.

2. Generally Healthy and Easy to Care For

Yes, pit bulls require a reasonable amount of attention. They do not, however, need a lot of care. They have short coats and are normal shedders, and only need to be brushed semi-regularly.

They don't tend toward genetic disorders like some other breeds, although they should be inspected at puppyhood for signs of hip dysplasia, but this is a good idea for most medium to large breeds anyway. Most pit bulls do not get larger than 50 to 60 pounds, although there are some larger sub-breeds.

And as long as you exercise the dog regularly, a pitbull can be very comfortable in a small dwelling.

3. People-Orientated, When Socialized Properly

Pitbulls love people. Although this breed frequently gets a bad rap in the media, if you have ever met a pitbull that was raised by a loving, conscientious family then you will understand how much they like to be with people.

The downside of this personality trait is that they can get overexcited when they meet new people, which is something that needs to be addressed through training and positive reinforcement.

4. Pit Bulls are Loyal to their Owners

Your pit bull will be you and your family’s best friend from the day you take them home to the day they pass away. While they will be naturally protective of their family and their property, because pitbulls are so people-orientated they do not make good guard dogs.

Unless you just want them to smother intruders with hugs and kisses.

5. Eager to Please

A pitbull will always do it’s best to make you happy, as long as you are clear about what you expect from them. Many people will mention the fact that this breed is notoriously stubborn, but once they realize that you are the boss, they will work hard to ensure that you were happy with them.

6. High Tolerance for Pain

Sometimes presented as a negative trait, the fact that pitbulls have a high pain tolerance makes them exceptional family dogs. They easily (and happily) put up with the rough play of children without reacting.

So now that you have some background on this wonderful breed, which in my personal opinion is just the cutest ever, take a look at a few of our Pitbulls at the shelter.  I encourage you to come down and spend time with any one of them and see what Pitbulls are really like.

Sprinkles, such a beautiful and playful girl...

Hef, what a ham!

Shorty, the most gentle guy who just happens to be deaf.

I could go on and on, sharing all of our beautiful, loving Pitbulls at the shelter that are are waiting for their forever homes.  Ask yourself this, if you are someone who is afraid of a Pitbull, why is that?  Have you ever spent time with one?  This breed needs us, and hopefully you'll consider meeting one of our great Pitbulls.

I found this video on U Tube and thought it was worth sharing.  {Please scroll down to the bottom of the blog and pause our music player before playing this video.}

Thanks for hanging in there and reading!  Have a wonderful day!


Jack Steffens said...

After working with many pits I have come to see these dogs as loving loyal animals. Pits are great dogs. Behind every troubled pit is a neglectful owner.

gina lewis said...

Beautiful blog, Christine, great job!

Francy Cooney said...

Oh Christine this is amazing and so true.Just love pitbulls they are absolutely beautiful,loving and wonderful animals!!!

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