
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.

The Walk...

It was a long week here.  Just lots of work to do, kids to take care of, etc.  So this morning, Skye and I started the weekend off right with a nice walk.  We left the house around 7:30 and walked for about 45 minutes.  It's such a nice time to get out and walk.  Most people are still starting off their mornings in their home.  It's quiet and peaceful.  The birds are chirping, the squirrels are foraging, all seems right in the world.  I love taking the dogs out this early.  It helps me decompress from a long week, and relax the tension built up in my body.  It does the same for dogs.

Skye starts out much like a drunk driver, weaving back and forth, distracted by every sound and smell.  Then about 5 minutes in, she relaxes and settles into a nice rhythm.  Ears back, head up, and feet steadily moving.  It's great to see her act like a dog, enjoying her surroundings.  No worries, no tension, just calm energy.  We stopped and chatted along the way with a nice woman and her dog.  Skye stood by my side very relaxed, and waited for me to move on.  Truly the picture of great doggy behavior.  She'd pause here and there to sniff the ground and explore a bit.

The walk is a very powerful thing.  It's not only a great bonding experience for you and your dog, it helps to drain your dog of excited energy, lessening the chance for bad behavior.  Not to mention the health benefits for yourself.  I was very guilty myself, not walking my own dogs until recently.  There was always an excuse... I don't have time, they don't do well on the leash, it's cold, etc.  This lead to a lot of pent up energy in my Pitbull and Lab, which caused disruptive behavior in my home.  They had all this energy, and nowhere to displace it.  Now that I walk them, their behavior at home has improved dramatically.  Don't get me wrong, they were never bad dogs, just would do things to get into trouble here and there.  Stealing the kids' toys, playing a little too rough with each other, not always listening to my commands, barking at every little sound.  But when I walk them, they are completely different dogs, so enjoyable to be around.

If you find your own dog is having some behavior issues, whether it be excited, nervous, whatever, try walking them.  You will see as you go along, the difference it will make.  Keep yourself relaxed, and they will follow your lead.  It may take a few times for you to find your rhythm together, but trust me, you will.

For me, there is nothing more empowering than walking a calm, happy seventy pound Pitbull at my side.

Have a great day!

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