
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.

The 1st Day of a New Life...

There she is, Miss Skye.  Last night was an emotional night for my oldest daughter and me, as we sat with Skye, petting her, getting her to relax and drift off to sleep.  We talked about how we saved Skye, how today there were so many firsts for her...it may well have been her first time in a home.  We don't know. We could see the reality set in that she was no longer bound to a cage, as we walked her and my dogs with 3 of the volunteers at Shelter Link around my block.  She became a different dog, one who was more sure of herself, peppy and definitely happy.  She mastered the stairs relatively quickly, considering she may never have climbed stairs before, and was afraid at first of them.  But patience and love always win out.

I turned the TV on in my bedroom where Skye was, and she got so scared, backing away from it.  I can only imagine how big of a day yesterday was for her, how overwhelming it must have felt.  A new home, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 kids and 2 adults as housemates.  A big yard with lots of new smells, noises that are normal to any household, but foreign to her.  A lot to take in when you have spent the past 2 months of your life in a kennel in a shelter, and before that, who knows.  It was beautiful to watch her finally settle in on a spot on the rug in my bedroom, and close her eyes, breathing a big sigh, ready to relax.  She spent the night sleeping on the floor next to my bed on the side I lay, and never moved.  My one dog, Coco, right beside her.  I bet berber carpeting never felt so good!

This morning, she was a bit nervous, and had an accident in the house, but who cares, that's why there are paper towels and Clorox wipes.  She will find her way here, slowly but surely, I am positive of that.  It's new to Skye, and us, and we will all learn together.

You might be wondering what is wrong with her eyes.  Skye had eye surgery to correct a common eye condition in dogs, called Entropion.  She is still healing up, and should be all better soon with the help of an antibiotic cream.

So there you have it, Skye's 1st day, I'm sure it ranks up there as one of her best, it certainly is one of ours.  Skye is off to the beauty parlor soon for her first spa treatment, thanks to the fabulous ladies at Lad & Lassie Groomer in Islip.

A reader forwarded me this video which shows how one person doing one thing, makes such a difference.  Maybe it will inspire you to do one thing.  I warn you now, you will need tissues.  {Don't forget to scroll down and turn off our music player.}

As always, thanks for reading...


Joanne said...

Thanks for sharing this very emotional video clip with all of us. And thank you to YOU and YOUR family for giving Skye a chance for love and life.

Anonymous said...

This really touched my heart...thank you so much for posting this and letting people see the need for these poor creatures have.

Anonymous said...

It was I that asked a friend to have you post this about Stanley. I have two websites I open each morning, the one I sent and this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFyD3KiGspU&feature=player_embedded . They give me inspiration. Please dont ever apolgize for having pit bulls at the shelter vs. pedigrees. People need to be made aware that the pit bull is the most loving, devoted dog one could ever own. Just look at this video about a dog w/a child after being used for pit bull bait.

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