
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.

"Grandpa" Jack...

I have affectionately dubbed Shelter Link volunteer and certified dog trainer Jack, "Grandpa Jack".  Jack is amazing to watch with dogs, and I have learned so much from him.  His behaviorist approach to dog training never ceases to amaze me.  Not only is he an amazing trainer, he truly just enjoys being with dogs.

He'll call me and ask if the dogs are available to go for a run.  It's like setting up a doggy play date.  He comes, all suited up, for a nice bike ride with my girls, and will go down into the trails at Heckscher State Park.  They'll ride for awhile, stop and relax in the sun, taking in nature, and sometimes even stop at the deli for some cheese for the girls and coffee for Jack.  It reminds me of when my step father would take my oldest when she was a baby on long walks in her stroller, and stop by Carvel and share an ice cream, hence me dubbing Jack "Grandpa".

The significance of these outings are profound.  Not only do my dogs get their much needed exercise, they get to be dogs, and explore their surroundings and get back to what they are hardwired to do.  We have humanized dogs so much, and they spend most of their time trapped in a house.  This doesn't make them happy despite what you may believe.  Humanizing dogs is largely responsible for what we deem as "bad" behavior in dogs.  They are not human, they don't understand our language, and they need dog experiences.  When dogs get to use their noses to explore their environment they are engaged and mentally stimulated.  This drains them of excess energy, and will relax you too.  Couple it with a nice walk or run, and you will see a very content dog, who isn't hyped up.  They will also put you higher up on their resource scale, and listen to you better.  The best time to do some training with your dog is right after a walk or run.  All you need is 5 minutes.  It can be simple, like working on sit or stay.

I will write more on the behavior theory I have learned and how to apply it to dog training at a later date. It is truly amazing stuff.  But the best way to build a relationship with your dog, is just by being with them and enjoying a nice activity together, like a walk or run.  And be in the moment, don't chat on your cell phone or think about what you have to do tomorrow, just be.  This will be just as beneficial for your mental state as it will be for your dog's.

This is the picture of three happy girls, who are ready for a nap after enjoying one of their favorite experiences with "Grandpa Jack".  They come home different dogs than when they left, sated and content with life.  Happy to have been "dogs" for a few hours.


Francy Cooney said...

Love it!!!

Denise said...

Very cute! I can't believe how muscular and big Skye's legs are...especially compared to Coco and Cleo...lol!

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