
Grab a cup of coffee and stop by each day to read our stories of love, hope, inspiration and education. Just maybe you'll shed a tear or find yourself laughing. We do what we do because every animal deserves a place to call home.


My husband texted me this morning about an article in today's New York Post.  The article was about the top dogs that bite.  And what did they name as the city's most vicious dog, Pit bulls.  Of course they had found a photo of some mean snarling pit bull to put alongside it.  Maybe the Post should have investigated why the number of "reported" pit bull bites is higher than any other breed.  Do you think maybe it has to do with the fact that they are the most neglected, abused dog breed there is?  That they are often discarded and left for dead by their uncaring owners who try to profit off of them instead of getting a real job.  I challenge any newspaper to do an article about the tribulations this breed faces.  To help educate the public about this breed instead of playing into their fears.  That's an article I would find worth while reading.

The pit bull I know is sweet and gentle.  They are abused, mistreated and over bred.  They are starved, un-socialized and used for profit.  The pit bull I know, despite all of this, still loves humans.  Still has their universal happy tail, wagging so hard when they see us, that their whole body shakes.  Still loves to give us a kiss to let us know they love us.  That is the pit bull I know.  I want to read articles about that.  Can't someone write a piece about that?


Anonymous said...

Ive been bitten numerous times by labs and EVERY small breed dog there is.Chows,akitas,sharpeis,shiba inus,etc,THOSE breeds are MOST likely to bite.They need to do a survey with people who work/volunteer at shelters and those who work at animal hospitals.Guarantee all the "bully"breeds will be titled the least likely to bite.I read an article a few months ago and it had the Daschund as the dog who bites the most.I believe that.

Christine said...

Thank you for your comment!

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